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Biking Shirts

Biking Shirts

Snap 2018 01 25 at 09.26.50When you think of biking shirts, you imagine tight, stretchy garments that cling to the torso like second skin. Those aren’t the only type of jerseys available in the market so if you don’t want to wear tight-fitting biking shirts, you don’t need to worry. There are other options available to you. At eCycling Store, we know that when it comes to the size and fit of their shirt, different bikers have different preferences. Here are some factors you should consider when you want to buy one:

What’s Comfortable For You?

The first thing you need to consider is what’s comfortable for you. You can figure this out with the help of your normal t-shirts and tops. Pick a long sleeved, fitted t-shirt, a short sleeved fitted t-shirt, and a short sleeved loose t-shirt and experiment with them. You should wear each one of them on different biking trips and see how comfortable you are with your fit during the ride. If you’re more comfortable with loose fitted t-shirts, you should purchase loose fitted biking shirts and vice versa.

The Cut

The next thing you need to consider is a cut. If you want a loose-fitted shirt, make sure that the collar has some sort of seal to ensure the shirt doesn’t move around too much because of the wind. You should also ensure that the shirt is long enough at the back to cover your tailbone when you bend over the handlebar. If your lower back doesn’t have proper coverage, you’ll get feel chilled and might get sunburn along the small of your back.

The Sleeve Length

Different sleeve lengths have different advantages so here are some points for you to consider:

Sleeveless – Sleeveless biking shirts can be very comfortable for both men and women. You won’t have to deal with fabric flapping around your arms and distracting you. However, this means that your arms are exposed to the weather and sun.

Short Sleeves – Short sleeves also tend to be out of the way, especially if they’re tight fitting and seal around your bicep. They also leave a large portion of your arms exposed to the elements.

Long Sleeves – Tight long sleeves are ideal because they offer sun protection and make sure you’re warm. Loose sleeves can be very distracting and risky.

If you want to know more about biking shirts, please browse our online selection!

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